Welcome to my regular Meal Prep Monday post (SO many of you are loving these so we are going to keep going with this as long as I have time and ability to keep sharing. Best of all, it’s been helping out so much to have meals made ahead of time!!) This past week, we had a guest at our house and it was so nice to easily just invite them for dinner because it was pretty much all made and ready!
(Note: I’ll be out of town this weekend visiting my parents so I will be skipping Meal Prep Monday but I might share some pictures from a Valentine’s Dinner I’m helping my parents with in KS instead! Stay tuned!)
Tip: Need some help with cutting your grocery bill? Check out my post with six strategies I shared last week.
What I Meal-Prepped
Healthier Reese’s Bars — recipe coming soon. These are amazing!!
Homemade Tortillas — recipe coming soon. These are so delicious freshly made!
Homemade “Uncrustables” — I didn’t take the crust off so they are just freezer PB&J. But I’m calling them Uncrustables because that sounds cooler. Silas asked me if I could make some of these for him to have for lunches and snacks. Jesse was excited I made them, too!
Browned Ground Beef — Silas will use this for meals for himself this week (he loves to cook and makes himself multiple lunches for school.
Seasoned Baked Chicken — I made this for quick protein. I love to snack on it and add it to a place of veggies for a lunch or snack.
Odds & Ends Soup — I was planning to make Three Bean Chili Chowder, but we didn’t have the ingredients I thought we did. So I basically took odds and ends of canned tomatoes and one can of beans and garbanzo beans and added broth and veggies and some chicken and we’re going to call it some kind of soup and serve it with tortilla chips and shredded cheese.
Meatballs — It’s been a long time since we’ve had meatballs, a recipe we made often growing up. So I made these this week! (I left off the barbecue topping on the recipe, FYI.)
Chicken Tetrazzini — I made such a big pan of this that I’m pretty positive it will last for two dinners.

I tried a new recipe for healthy Reese’s bars. These were SO good!! (I’ll be posting the recipe here next week. Stay tuned!)

Jesse ate one of these after I made them and was like, “These are WAY better than actual Reese’s!”

I also made some homemade tortillas for eating with taco bowls.

If you’ve never tried homemade tortillas, they are so much better than store-bought (my recipe coming soon!). It’s much faster to buy store-bought, so I often do that if I find a good sale. But it’s fun to make them from scratch occasionally.

(In case you are wondering, the meatballs are not baked here yet! I wanted to get a pic of everything while there was still natural lighting!)
Sunday — Fresh Apple & Orange Juice, Scrambled Eggs
Monday — Taco Bowls and Homemade Tortillas (this was on last week’s menu and we ended up having leftovers twice so we bumped this meal to this week!)
Tuesday — Odds & Ends Soup with tortilla chips and cheese, apple slices, carrots
Wednesday — Meatballs, Some Kind of Potatoes, Steamed Veggies, Fruit
Thursday — Chicken Tetrazinni, Fruit (I’ll be out of town.)
Friday — Dinner Out (I’ll be out of town.)
Saturday — Leftovers (I’ll be out of town.)